Fire Hose Care & Maintenance

Fire Hose Care & Maintenance 
Fire hose should be stored in cool, dry and well ventilated conditions.  When loaded on a fire appliance or vehicle it should be stowed in such a way that air circulation can take place and that excessive chaffing against the sides of vehicle lockers due to vibration is minimised.
Once a pressure test is carried out the external surface of the hose should be examined for cuts, gouges, scorch marks and abraded areas.
After contact with oil or chemicals, a mild detergent may be applied to the affected area using a stiff brush.  Then the area should be washed down using copious quantities of clean water.
Care in Use
  1. Pressure testing – This should be performed at least every twelve months and after each occasion of operational use. Each hose should be visually inspected then hydrostatically tested at a pressure of 50% in excess of the intended working pressure or at 10 bar, whichever is the greater. Areas of leakage should be repaired, where possible, and retested.
  2. Avoid dragging hose over sharp objects or abrasive surfaces, especially when kinked.
  3. Ensure that hose is not in contact with hot flaming debris for extended periods of time.
  4. Protect the hose with a suitable bandage where it touches the ground after leaving a pump delivery outlet, to avoid abrasion damage due to vibration.
  5. Roll hose into coils rather than flaking.
  6. Never bend hose at an acute angle, particularly while it is under pressure.
  7. Where vehicular access is required hose ramps should be used to avoid vehicles running over the hose.
  8. Couplings or branchpipes must not be dropped onto the hose as the impact may puncture the hose lining.
Maintenance after Use
Type 3 covered hoses – after normal use, the hose may be wiped down with a damp cloth and stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place. Recoupled hose should always be subjected to examination and proof pressure testing to ensure coupling retention and to avoid detachment during use.
For more detailed information contact :
Yen Lee Fireweld Pte Ltd
1 Corporation Drive, #09-03 Revv , Singapore – 619775
Tel : (65) 62909890    Fax : (65) 62961444
 E-mail –

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1 Corporation Drive
#09-03 Revv
Singapore – 619775
Tel :  (65) 62909890
Fax : (65) 62961444
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10 Buroh Street
#02-15, West Connect
Singapore – 627564


Supply, Installation, Servicing & Maintenance of Fire, Safety, Rescue, Hardware & Chemical Protection Equipment Specialists


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